River Day 1: Sanctuary

We got our paddles in the water today, and it was good. Very good.




< 1 minute read

Everyone has now arrived in Seeley, Wisconsin after nine wonderful miles of paddling. One of the shorter days; a great way to get warmed up for the journey ahead.

The river is so beautiful that it was overwhelming at times. The air was full of fresh spring smells, the birds sang us downstream all day long, and there were many smiles.

I paddled today with Jonathan quite a bit, but also Kevin, who is from the Gulf Coast of Louisiana originally. He told me about shrimping on the Gulf and paddling little creeks in the northern part of his state. His slight drawl and ready laughter fit the pace of the day perfectly.

At Pacwawong Dam, we had lunch and relaxed at the pine-studded campsite there. I laid down on a bed of soft needles for five minutes and let the peacefulness soak into my bones.

Apparently it’s time for beer at the Sawmill Saloon! I’ll try to post a bit more about the day later tonight, but did I mention it’s time for a beer?


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