The Star Prairie Land Trust is pleased to announce the 2018 Medallion Hunt on its McMurtrie Preserve in Star Prairie, Wisc. The contest will encourage participants to enjoy the St. Croix River watershed by exploring this corner of it on Cedar Lake.
The reward for finding the medallion is $300 for members of the Star Prairie Land Trust (before May 25) or $200 for non-members. Beginning May 21, clues will be published daily at high noon on St. Croix 360, and medallion-hunters are welcome to search during daylight hours. The preserve is normally closed to the public except with permission for educational purposes — this is a unique opportunity to see the property.
Click here to be notified by email when a new clue is posted.
This is the fifth year of the McMurtrie Medallion Hunt, but it was only open to students at New Richmond High School in the past. This is the first year it is being expanded to the entire public, and with the partnership of St. Croix 360.
The clues will use landmarks, ecology, and clever puns to guide searchers to find objects that will let them continue the hunt.
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The Star Prairie Land Trust preserves environmentally sensitive land and promotes rural character, while protecting water quality and wildlife habitat for future generations.
The McMurtrie Preserve is a 63-acre tract of land with 1,400 feet of shoreline on the southeast shore of Cedar Lake. It contains a diversity of wildlife habitat including wetlands, hardwoods, oak savannah, and pine plantations. Cedar Lake’s outlet stream winds through the property on its way to the Apple River.
2368 County Hwy M
Star Prairie, WI 54026
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/oaAWFfmVvdF2
Coordinates: 45°12’20.9″N 92°33’08.9″W / 45.205795, -92.552483
Full rules:
- To receive the full $300 reward, you must be a member of Star Prairie Land Trust by the start of the contest on May 25. Join here.
- If you find the medallion, please contact Greg Seitz at greg@stcroix360.com as soon as possible.
- The medallion is well within the boundaries of the McMurtrie Preserve. Please do not cross Cedar Creek or go onto adjacent properties without permission. Medallions are not in any waterbody.
- The medallion is within arms reach of the ground and is not buried underground. You do not need to dig, shovel or climb to find them.
Map of property:
(Click to view larger.)