Registration open for classes at St. Croix River sailing school

Courses include offerings for ages 7 to 70+ who are interested in learning to sail — as well as “self-reliance, teamwork and sportsmanship.”




2 minute read

Youth sailors on the school’s intermediate Club 420 boats. (Photo courtesy St. Croix Sailing School)

For the tenth summer, the St. Croix Sailing School in Hudson, Wis. is offering sailing camps and classes on Lake St. Croix.

“This is the only sailing school on the St. Croix River,” sailor parent Tracy Maki told the Stillwater Gazette. “It gave us a way to engage in the river and we didn’t have to provide any of the equipment.”

Offerings range from classes for beginners to racers, from age 7 to adult certification. High school students can compete in regular races with teams from neighboring schools.

The nonprofit sailing school was founded in 2008 by longtime St. Croix River sailors who wanted to get more youth into the sport. To keep classes affordable, the organization depends on donations for equipment, only covering operating costs through course fees that range from about $300 to $500.

“In addition to sheer fun and the opportunity to develop life-long boat handling and racing skills, sailing builds character through its time-honored emphasis on self-reliance, teamwork and sportsmanship.”

Opti Sessions

Ages 7-10
Week-long full-day sailing camps for beginners and intermediate sailors. Multi-week race camps are offered for advanced sailors. Read more »

Club 420 Sessions

Ages 11-17 (100 lbs or more)
Week long sailing courses for beginners and intermediate sailors. Multi-week Race camps are offered for advanced sailors. Read more »

Youth Big Boat Racing

Ages 11-17 (100 lbs or more)
Race instruction in a J/22 keelboat for advanced sailors. Work as a team to compete with experienced sailors in the local sailing club! Read more »

High-School Racing

Competitive sailing for 7th-12th graders. The programs include training on the St. Croix and participation in high school regattas throughout the region. Read more »

Adult Sailing

Sailing instruction for beginners or intermediate sailors. Keelboat certifications and Club 420 sessions are offered. Read more »