Author to share stories about consequences of invasive carp

Environmental journalist who recently published a new book about Asian carp species and the human response to the non-native fish will present at two events in the area this April.




2 minute read

Andrew Reeves

Invasive carp have caused devastation in rivers across the United States, destroying ecosystems and recreation. One species is known for leaping out of the water as boats pass, hurting people and damaging property. Other species simply out-compete native fish for food and habitat, decimating populations.

A new book by Andrew Reeves seeks to track how humans have responded to the problem. ‘Overrun: Dispatches from the Asian Carp Crisis’ was published this month by ECW Press.

Reeves is a Toronto-based environmental journalist. He will be in the area April 9 and 10 at two public events.

“This isn’t a book about fish, though they play a leading role: it’s a book about us and our reaction to the latest invasive species threatening to become a permanent fixture of the landscape,” Reeves says. “It’s a book about what winning and losing looks like in the uphill struggle to manage invasive species. And it’s a book about how a fish’s extraordinary jumping ability propelled it onto the nightly news and the nation’s Most Wanted list.”

Upcoming author events

Tuesday, April 9
Science Museum of Minnesota
Presented by the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center
Q&A moderated by Josephine Marcotty, Star Tribune environmental reporter
Comments from MAISRC Director Nick Phelps and St. Croix River Association Executive Director Deb Ryun.
Reception at 5 p.m., program at 6 p.m.
Details »

Wednesday, April 10
Hop and Barrel Brewing, Hudson, Wis.
Presented by the St. Croix River Association
Moderated by Ron Meador, MinnPost
SCRA Invasive Species staff available for Q&A.
5 to 7 p.m.
Details »


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One response to “Author to share stories about consequences of invasive carp”

  1. […] Another book, “Overrun: Dispatches from the Asian Carp Crisis” by Andrew Reeves explores the human response to Asian carp invasion in North America […]