Seminar offers invasive species information

Join us for a free workshop about curly leaf, milfoil, zebra mussels, Asian carp and other aquatic invaders.




< 1 minute read

Angie Hong is the Water Resource Education Specialist for East Metro Water Resource Education Program.

Saturday, March 9, 9-11am
Scandia Community Center
14727 209th St. N., Scandia

Curly leaf pondweed
Curly leaf pondweed

Guest speakers Steve McComas and Byron Karns will discuss common invasive plant and animal species found in area lakes and the St. Croix River, as well as highlighting new and emerging threats.

Learn how to identify these aquatic invaders, get the latest updates on where they’ve been found, and find out what’s being done on a local and statewide level to keep aquatic invasive species at bay.

Steve McComas, aquatic scientist and owner of Blue Water Science, occasionally appears on the radio as the Lake Detective on Joe Soucheray’s ESPN 1500 show and writes a Lake Detective newspaper column for Outdoor News. Steve will discuss management options for aquatic invasive plants and common carp.

Byron Karns, National Park Service, is currently the chair of the St. Croix Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Task Force. He is a mussel expert and does field monitoring and inventories of invasive and native species on the St. Croix Riverway. Byron will talk about zebra mussels and the threat of Asian carp.

This workshop is free, but please RSVP at:

Sponsored by Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District, and Chisago County.