Every season on the St. Croix River has its joys. But in mid-summer, when the water is warm and the world slows down, the river becomes a place of peace and unmatched beauty.
Swimming at sandbars, boating at sunset, watching eagles and osprey overhead … there are so many wonderful memories made, I know I’m not the only one who cherishes this time of year.
It’s these kinds of experiences that make people love the river. It’s why St. Croix 360 exists. It’s why we ask our readers to support our work.
We have been sharing news about the river for more than 12 years now simply because there are so many people who want to stay informed. Not every river is so lucky.
While you’re enjoying summer on the St. Croix, please consider contributing to St. Croix 360. It’s the only way we can keep the river stories flowing.
You can contribute today at this link. It’s fast, easy, secure — and greatly appreciated. Thank you!