Walk and Talk About the St. Croix River’s Geology and Water

Guided hike will show how the river has changed over time and what affects the cleanliness of its water.




< 1 minute read

Via the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources:

Photo courtesy MN DNR
Photo courtesy MN DNR

How Clean is Our River? with Geologist Laura Triplett
June 26, 2016, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Interstate State Park – Minnesota

How clean is the water in the St. Croix River? What controls the color and cleanliness of the water? How have human activities like farming and building cities changed the St. Croix, and what actions are we taking to protect it now?

Dr. Laura Triplett of Gustavus Adolphus College will answer these questions and more as she leads you along the shores of the beautiful St. Croix. She spent many years studying the mud that accumulates each year on the bottom of Lake St. Croix, from which she has pieced together the natural history of this special river.

The walk will be approximately 2 miles in length along the low-lying trails and shorelines. Bring shoes appropriate for a damp trail. Please pre-register for this special event by contacting Jenni Webster 651-465-6523 or jenni.webster@state.mn.us.