Heritage Initiative moves forward as Regional Gatherings wrap up

More than 200 people attended the recent meetings – additional work will happen this winter before the final Heritage Summit in the spring.




2 minute read

Via the Heritage Initiative, a St. Croix 360 partner:

David Matrious, member of the Mille Lacs Band, talks about his family's heritage along the St. Croix River at the Hinckley Regional Gathering.
David Matrious, member of the Mille Lacs Band, talks about his family’s heritage along the St. Croix River at the Hinckley Regional Gathering.

The four Regional Gatherings recently hosted by the Heritage Initiative were inspiring and exciting, and provided valuable input to our work.

Valuable input

At least 209 people attended one of the four Gatherings. The meetings were held in diverse corners of the region, and between two states, but each meeting shared the common element of people who want to work together to celebrate this wonderful place we call home.

Refining the story themes that unite the region was a key goal of the Regional Gatherings. Participants made important contributions to this effort and the Heritage Initiative Task Force will be using everything we heard as we move forward in identifying what makes our region special and worthy of a National Heritage Area. We also heard terrific strategies that a Heritage Area could employ here to tell our stories and history.

What next?

Next spring, we will come together one last time during this process for the Heritage Summit. At that time, we will present the findings of the Gatherings and make the important decision about whether or not we should pursue National Heritage Area designation.

Announcements and invitations will be sent in a few months.

In the meantime

Between now and then, we will be working with experts to evaluate our region’s stories, themes and resources, continuing outreach to tribes and other communities and organizations, and drafting an overarching theme which would define a potential National Heritage Area here. We will be talking with stakeholders throughout the region about strategies, possible funding, and coordinating efforts in the future.

We will also take a close look at other ways we might promote our region’s history and culture other than National Heritage Area designation.  All these steps will take us closer to the point where community members can help decide whether we move forward on Congressional designation or not.

Keep in touch

Stay up-to-date via our website and our Facebook page. Please don’t hesitate to contact Jill Shannon at jshannon@scvfoundation.org or other members of the Task Force with additional input you have about the Heritage Initiative.

Thanks again to everyone who has participated so far. See you in the spring!

Photos by Mark Vancleave.

See more photos on the Heritage Initiative Facebook page.