Pick blueberries and explore unique headwaters habitat at Namekagon Barrens open house

July 13 event will offer opportunity to pick berries and learn about area’s past, present, and future.




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Via Friends of the Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area:

Join us for a fun, free and educational blueberry event!

Blueberries in the Barrens
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Namekagon Barrens Wildlife Area
33174 Gomulak Fire Lane, Danbury, WI


  • 8:30 am Gather at the NBWA cabin for maps, 33174 Gomulak Fire Lane, Danbury, WI.
  • 8:45 am Drive to flagged berry patches and pick to your heart’s content!
  • 10:15 am Return to cabin (or anytime).
  • 10:30 am Geology of the Namekagon Barrens (Jeff Kitelinger, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA))
  • 10:45 am Wild Blueberries from Meadow to Market (Sue Segelstrom, Local Author and Historian)
  • 11:05 am The Amazing Variety of Native Plants in the NBWA (Paul Hlina, Wild Plant Expert)
  • 11:30 am Fascinating History of the Barrens and Surrounds (Brian Finstad, Local Historian)
  • Noon Lunch
  • FREE Burgers, Brats, Beans, Beer and Blueberry Treats
    • Presentation Ongoing: Progress and Future Plans for NBWA (Nancy Christel, DNR Property Manager of NBWA)