Via the Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway:

Celebrate National Park Week by helping the National Park Service and Namekagon River Partnership clean up the Namekagon River on Saturday, April 25.
This will be the third annual cleanup and will again focus on four sections of the Namekagon:
- Hayward Landing to Stinnett Landing
- Stinnett Landing to North Springbrook Landing
- North Springbrook Landing to Earl Landing
- Earl Landing to Trego Landing
Volunteers will split into teams to travel each river section in canoes or drift boats, collecting trash along the way. For those who do not want to be on the water, there are opportunities to help with event logistics, like driving volunteers to and from the work sites (i.e., put-in and take-out points).
Because there are a limited number of canoes and life jackets available, volunteers must pre-register. To volunteer, call the Hayward Fly Fishing Company at(715) 634-8149. Registration deadline is Friday, April 17.
Volunteers will meet at Hayward Landing (Highway 27 near the DNR Ranger Station) at 8:00 am on April 25. They should bring water, lunch, weather-appropriate clothing, and sunscreen.